I have SO MUCH on my mind,fashion,gossip,to all the things that I find interesting.Where do I even start . . .!
Last week I said to my friend,'I wish I was born into a rich family' and his response was 'you can have that kind of life for your kids'.
This statement got me thinking a lot,and these are the questions I asked myself.
1.Am I working hard enough to ensure my kids have a good future and live the life I could only dream of when I was younger.
2.If i end up rich and spoil my kids,will they grow up knowing that they have to work hard or will they grow up as annoying ungrateful brats
3.By giving them material possessions ,am I equipping them for the real life struggles and lessons
4.Just because I went through hardships,does it have to be the same for them
5.Does me wanting to give them the best mean that I now have to give them Everything they want