Saturday, February 22, 2014

What's on my mind

I have SO MUCH on my mind,fashion,gossip,to all the things that I find interesting.Where do I even start . . .!

Last week I said to my friend,'I wish I was born into a rich family' and his response was 'you can have that kind of life for your kids'.

This statement got me thinking a lot,and these are the questions I asked myself.
1.Am I working hard enough to ensure my kids have a good future and live the life I could only dream of when I was younger.
2.If i end up rich and spoil my kids,will they grow up knowing that they have to work hard or will they grow up as annoying ungrateful brats
3.By giving them material possessions ,am I equipping them for the real life struggles and lessons
4.Just because I went through hardships,does it have to be the same for them
5.Does me wanting to give them the best mean that I now have to give them Everything they want

Very delayed post

I'm sorry for the absence ,I don't do well with commitments.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Selita Ebanks

So we starting a new thing for the guys and girls called 'Girl Crush of the week".So this week we feature former Victoria's secret model,Selita Ebanks: ex girlfiriend to Terrence J & Nick Cannon's ex fiance *before Mariah dethroned her*.Selita is a model & actress,more info on google.Check her pics below to see how gorgeous she is...

her angel days with Victoria's Secret
short huuuur dnt cuurrrr!

Selita at MBFW last week,i die for this look!
Selita at MBFW again
model Selita
naughty Selita *covers eyes*

Check the next post for Guy Crush of the week:You welcome ladies!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My love for jordans

                                                                                                                                                                                I was Tomboy growing up but as I grew older I kinda outgrew that whole tomboy thing.Recently I realized the tomboy in me is coming back and I have this love for sneakers not just any sneakers :Jordan's.i love seeing girls in Jordan's & I'm addicted to this page on tumblr called 'girls love Jordan's ,I got a few pics from there & I'm hoping these pics will convince a few of you girls to rock Jordan's like these celebrities.

My girl rush Cassie❤

Basketball wives La 's Draya

Kelly Rowland

Bad girl Riri

Sneaker Queen -Teyana Taylor

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My love for hiphop

                                                                                                                                                                            A few weeks ago a friend said he does not listen to hiphop because it is Verbally abusive.This is not the first time I hear this ,however I never thought that someone close to me would actually feel this way as I enjoy all that verbal abuse,LoL.He got me thinking though,should we as women not listen to hiphop because of all the verbal abuse ;most of these songs were we are referred to as B....../H...???.As a hiphop lover somehow I don't even hear those words in most of the songs I listen to,i guess those words have become just words that have no meaning.I recall an incident where a previous male housemate referred to me as a B,I was very upset &offended that he would call me that.But now when I think about it,I realize my hypocrisy In that I listen to all this verbal abuse on a daily but I was mad when someone close to me called me that.I probably will never stop listening to the abuse because of my love for hiphop & honestly I don't think it's abuse because its being used in an artistic sense,then 1 would argue that out of all the words in the English dictionary why choose that specific word??maybe because that word will grab attention,make you get noticed as a hiphop star who knows??allow me to be ignorant & continue listening to hiphop even with all the cursing,B/H words in all the songs because they are not verbally abusing me but some other woman out there *which doesn't make it right * but its art.What do you think??                                                                                                                                                        

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Best Friends

Ive always asked myself and people around me to define a best friend and a few have managed to. According to my friends a best friend is someone who is always there ,very close to you ,knows your secrets ,knows you in and out etc.I have had best friends before who I loved dearly but I think because I singled them out & considered them to be my best friends yet they were other people who cared more about me who weren’t necessarily my best friends it led to a lot of disappointments. I have nothing against best friends don’t get me wrong, but as I have gotten older I feel that best friends are so high school, as we grow older we know who our real friends are, the kinds who will always be there, chat with even after a long time of silence, check up on you etc,we do not need to brand them and put stickers on their foreheads to say they are our best friends because when we do that we create an expectation for them ,which is unfair to them because since they are our so called besties ,if they do something wrong based on our expectations then they are no longer our best friends .For me best friend is just a word that should stay in high school and my other question is while you are calling someone else your best friend what about those who are around you and are doing more than what your so called best friend is doing???Do you agree, disagree,need a new bestie, LoL let me know.