Sunday, September 8, 2013

My love for hiphop

                                                                                                                                                                            A few weeks ago a friend said he does not listen to hiphop because it is Verbally abusive.This is not the first time I hear this ,however I never thought that someone close to me would actually feel this way as I enjoy all that verbal abuse,LoL.He got me thinking though,should we as women not listen to hiphop because of all the verbal abuse ;most of these songs were we are referred to as B....../H...???.As a hiphop lover somehow I don't even hear those words in most of the songs I listen to,i guess those words have become just words that have no meaning.I recall an incident where a previous male housemate referred to me as a B,I was very upset &offended that he would call me that.But now when I think about it,I realize my hypocrisy In that I listen to all this verbal abuse on a daily but I was mad when someone close to me called me that.I probably will never stop listening to the abuse because of my love for hiphop & honestly I don't think it's abuse because its being used in an artistic sense,then 1 would argue that out of all the words in the English dictionary why choose that specific word??maybe because that word will grab attention,make you get noticed as a hiphop star who knows??allow me to be ignorant & continue listening to hiphop even with all the cursing,B/H words in all the songs because they are not verbally abusing me but some other woman out there *which doesn't make it right * but its art.What do you think??                                                                                                                                                        

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