Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Bob

As black women we always want to do different things with our hair & the long weave does get boring sometimes.A few months back I considered the BOB but Im still a bit sceptical for now.So I decided to search for pictures of black celebrities with the bob so I can maybe be inspired.Check these out & maybe you might also rock a bob,

  Taraji has had the bob for years now,it suits her but she needs to change it
Rihanna with her bob back in the day,those eyes though

Black women and blonde hair, although I love this bob
1 of the reasons I wanted the bob,Ciara rocks this the best!
King B with her new bob,dont really like it ,maybe its the styling
 I think Jennifer would have rocked this better when she was bigger
 Megan Good's bob is funky & edgy I love it
Estell's bob is okay,& do reserve your comments about Estelle's looks LOL

Busta Rhymes ft Nicki Minaj twerk it video

Im not Busta Rhymes biggest fan ,the last Busta song I obsessed about was ,'Touch it ' remix.I heard 'twerk it' about two months back & couldn't wait for the video and after Busta did the remix with Nicki Minaj im sure all the guys got excited.Nicki twerks for days with that huge booty*unfair advantage*,Im sure all the guys will love this video for Nicki,

Queen of Twerk

So yes im having a white girl day!LoL.I never watched Hannah Montana,and was never really a fan of Miley Cyrus until she cut her hair & started hanging out with Juicy J.Miley 2.0 is the Queen of Twerk,she loves twerking like I do ,LoL and she is the coolest white chick around.I love the new Miley and her new single got me dancing like a white girl,hahahahahahahahaha.If you have never seen Miley twerking you need to see the video below & who says you need a booty to twerk??Miley has transformed from boring child star to the white girl every one wants to be friends with,they call her a Rihanna wannabe but I say,let her be she is young & fun ,why not!

Miley twerking for Juicy J

Miley's transformation

                                                            The old boring Miley

                                                                   Miley & Juicy J
                                                                   Miley in ELLE UK
Miley looking all gangsta
Miley twerking *twerk it ,twerk it,twerk it*

Amber Heard

In my opinion some white girls are overrated thanks to the media bombarding us with their faces on almost everything,*yawn*.Not to say some of them aren't hot but some are just okay.Amber Heard is  my new white girl crush sorry Rosey,Amber is a 27 year old actress & model who is bisexual & is currently dating the sexiest male over 50-Johnny Depp.This girl is gorgeous and very SEXY!Check her out & tell me if she is overrated or am I right. . .

                                                            Those eyes
Only white girls can pull of that I just got out of the water look,

                                                  That smile,
a lady in a red dress can never go wrong

                                     even without blonde hair she is still gorgeous

Delayed Posts

hey guys,hopefully some one is reading this. . .LoL,sorry for the delayed post,i have been very busy but I assure you ,you will not be neglected!I will BLOG & BLOG & BLOG like I promised.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Rihanna doesnt need clothes

Lets face it Robyn Rihanna Fenty loves being naked,check her instagram and the half  naked pics she always posts and not forgetting the times she walks around in one piece suits.I love Riri & honestly if i had a body like that *a girl can only dream,LoL* id walk around half naked too!Check out Miss Fenty's showing off her goodies:

Riri walking down the street
Riri posted this on Instagram
Riri shopping in Monaco
Another instagram pic
instagram again!
Rihanna at the Barbados festival
*twerk it,twerk it,twerk it,twerk it*

This whole blogging thing

One of the reasons i delayed the whole blogging experience is because i was scared of how my harshest critics would react and in this case my harshest critics are my FRIENDS!id rather have strangers read my blog that my friends,im not scared of them ,LoL,the thing is because they know me so well ,know what im capable of and love Pop Culture like i do ,they might be so harsh that i might even decide to close the blog *okay maybe thats a bit dramatic* .So i introduced it slowly to them ,sending the link waiting for criticism and all and i think one of these days i will be able to update the link on my BBM & Twitter and say 'hey everyone ,this is my blog' but for now i will take in all my Friends have said and tweak it here and there.Enjoy and im looking forward to your feedback and responses.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!You guys need to see this,i cant stop laughing!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Beyonce-Grown Woman

My relationship with King B confuses me sometimes because on some days I love her & most days she irritates me!She is very talented I will admit and her new single,'Grown Woman' got me singing and dancing like im her biggest Stan .I haven't seen the official video as yet,however she has performed the single live and the dancing is so African Inspired!I love it and the twins ,the guys who dance with her,those boys can move,damn,they shake their booty's like girls,wow!check out the live performance on the link below and let me know what you think.

My favourite line on the song is 'Coz I got a cute face and my booty's so phat'.Don't judge me ,LoL

Doesn't  this kinda remind you of the Rihanna -Rude Boy video???*let me stop*

I had to add this,i think its very funny. . . .hahahahahahaha


What will people do when Isibaya ends

A few months back the Isibaya bug bit me hard mainly because of FOMO *fear of missing out*.i love it and make sure i never miss it!Good storyline,good acting and very interesting*no im not being paid for this,wish i was*,although the picture quality is not the best,i understand they do not use HD cameras like The Wild, but somehow its not as glossy as other tv shows,but its one of my favourite shows and the talent is amazing!!!!!One of the things Isibaya fans dont realise is that its a Telenovela which means it will come to an end early next year sometime.I can already imagine the withdrawal symptoms:

1.Guys will check into Thandeka Rehab/leave their cars at home and use taxis -those taxis with the Isibaya branding on them incase they think their beloved Thandeka is in 1 of those taxis,Lmao!

2.Girls will always update their BBM,twitter & facebook display pics with Pallance Dladla aka Jabu to heal their withdrawal symptoms & refer to him as their hubby/bf/man or even change their surnames to his,LoL

3.Other folk will go back to watching ZONE14 on Free TV,shame. . .

4.Some folk might organise a march to the DSTV offices and demand that Isibaya be brought back to our screens,you know people just like marching nje for the sake of it,hahahahahahaha

5.One of the producers might just copy the whole Isibaya concept and take it to free tv,you know how everyone copies everyone and there is no originality?*yawn*

I hope Isibaya doesnt come to an end,i wish they would turn it into a soapie ,infact i think Isibaya is a soapie but because the producers do not want it to be stereotyped like all the other soapies they just refer to it as a Telenovela*my thoughts*. I guess we will just have to wait and see. . .!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The hotness that is Draya!!!!!!!!!!!

I know a lot of guys and girls will love me for this!Meet Draya Michele.To find out more about her google her. . .

I can hear the guys singing "you can get it,you can get it. . . "

You Welcome

celebrities twitter wars

As you may have assumed im a huge fan of Twitter,mainly because we share a lot information,news,gossip,opinions and most importanly we get to keep up with our favourite celebrities.I mostly follow celebrities on twitter because i want to know what JayZ thinks,Kim Kardashian ate,where Khanyi Mbau shopped and the latest gossip on Perez.After all these years on twitter the 1 thing i still fail  to understand why celebs delete their twitter accounts only to come back to twitter a few days later .Nicki Minaj,Bonang,Chris Brown & Itumeleng Khune have all done this to name a few.Although these celebs never really explained why they left,the assumption is that a fan/fans where mean and the celebs retaliated .My thing as as much as  Celebs are human like us,the fact that they choose to be on the spotlight clearly they love attention and should be able to accept both negative and positive attention because truth is not everyone is going to love you ,even us ordinary folk have the 1 cousin/neighboor /some one who wont like us based on whatever.

 A lot of times on twitter celebs allow to be bullied by fans,and they keep falling in the same trap over and over!A fan will say something negative and celebrities will feel the need to defend which is stupid from someone reading it and not in the so called  ‘twar’(twitter fight),why fight with someone you don’t know ,have never met and possibly will never meet(haters wont go out of their way to meet you) ,and as a celeb if you have time to be replying and paying attention to the hate clearly you have too much time on your hands and need another job!Celebs ignore haters,accept not every one will love you & unfortunately we arent forced to*singing it’s a free country*LoL!and dont leave twitter only to come back after two days because honestly that’s lame,very lame,why delete your account knowing very well FOMO (fear of missing out) will resurrect you from twitter death???On that note please do fight among yourselves Celebs because that can be very entertaining *side eye Rihanna & Ciara*.