Thursday, August 1, 2013

celebrities twitter wars

As you may have assumed im a huge fan of Twitter,mainly because we share a lot information,news,gossip,opinions and most importanly we get to keep up with our favourite celebrities.I mostly follow celebrities on twitter because i want to know what JayZ thinks,Kim Kardashian ate,where Khanyi Mbau shopped and the latest gossip on Perez.After all these years on twitter the 1 thing i still fail  to understand why celebs delete their twitter accounts only to come back to twitter a few days later .Nicki Minaj,Bonang,Chris Brown & Itumeleng Khune have all done this to name a few.Although these celebs never really explained why they left,the assumption is that a fan/fans where mean and the celebs retaliated .My thing as as much as  Celebs are human like us,the fact that they choose to be on the spotlight clearly they love attention and should be able to accept both negative and positive attention because truth is not everyone is going to love you ,even us ordinary folk have the 1 cousin/neighboor /some one who wont like us based on whatever.

 A lot of times on twitter celebs allow to be bullied by fans,and they keep falling in the same trap over and over!A fan will say something negative and celebrities will feel the need to defend which is stupid from someone reading it and not in the so called  ‘twar’(twitter fight),why fight with someone you don’t know ,have never met and possibly will never meet(haters wont go out of their way to meet you) ,and as a celeb if you have time to be replying and paying attention to the hate clearly you have too much time on your hands and need another job!Celebs ignore haters,accept not every one will love you & unfortunately we arent forced to*singing it’s a free country*LoL!and dont leave twitter only to come back after two days because honestly that’s lame,very lame,why delete your account knowing very well FOMO (fear of missing out) will resurrect you from twitter death???On that note please do fight among yourselves Celebs because that can be very entertaining *side eye Rihanna & Ciara*.

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